Sunday, March 23, 2014

The Cat That Can’t Die

The Cat That Can’t Die

She saw a neighbour’s cat lying lazily in her garden…

Sue Chuah was so happy to be back in her hometown of Taiping in Perak after spending 4 years studying in New Zealand. There were so many experiences to share with her family & school friends and so much to catch up on. Other than that, there are resumes to write and hopefully she will get a job soon.

Her friends were coming back from work and they were going for dinner and to celebrate and chat about their lives. Sue was so anxious as she was putting her shoes in the garden beside her house when she saw, “Percy”, a Persian cat who was a neighbor’s cat. Percy was lying lazily beside some daisies in their garden with his face looking contently in the distance.

Typical Persian Cat

 Wow! She must be over 14 years old while looking at the cat, Sue thought as she said “hi Percy…” but as usual there was not response from the cat which is normal. The car with her friend arrived honking and she hurriedly rushed up to the car for a night out.

When Sue got back from outing, she was busy in the living room telling her family everything about her night. During the conversation, she casually mentioned that she saw “Percy”, their neighbor Mrs Nair’s house pet. Her mother looked surprised and said that Sue was mistaken and saw another cat as Percy has died about 2 years ago!

Since that incident Sue (only when she is alone) saw Percy a couple of times happily walking contently about their small garden.